PROFESSIONAL Foundation in Cancer Treatment Related Hair Loss - pledge (17 November 2024)



Just sign up and we will email you the Pledge Form. Then just fill out the form and reserve your place!


By: Cancer Hair Care

Hosted by: Jasmin Julia Gupta

For: Professional Hairdressers / Hair care professionals  

Level: Foundation  

Date: Sunday, 17 November 2024

Times: 10.00am – 1.00pm  (comfort breaks included)

Location: Virtual – Live via ZOOM for 3 hours, then complete 2 hours of home study online video modules  in your own time.

Price: Funded by Cancer Hair Care – with a pledge

Available to book now

Spaces are limited


Who is this course for?

  • Hairdressers

  • Trichologists

  • Barbers

  • Healthcare professionals

  • Hair loss specialists

  • Wig and hair replacement system providers

  • Hair & Beaty industry professionals


What's included

  • Access to 3-hour LIVE online Zoom course

  • Access to 2-hour online modules

  • Presented by Jasmin - nurse educator and charity founder

  • Professional course certificate

  • Downloadable resource pack

  • Customer consultation guide sheets

  • FREE course gifted to an NHS nurse

  • Donation to charity Cancer Hair Care included

  • Limited spaces available

  • A FREE Welcome Pack... 

...including beautiful mug, complete with snacks for your tea break. We will be pop this in the post to you in time for your course.


About the course presenter:

Meet Jasmin, the Holistic Hair Care Expert and UK’s most trusted hairdresser. Jasmin is a charity founder and the only hairdresser in the UK to be an NHS nurse educator. Her specialist areas include pregnancy, menopause, oncology and women's hair loss concerns. Her style of sharing her depth of knowledge in the area of menopause related hair thinning and hair care concerns, will leave you feeling knowledgeable and refreshed in your approach to hairdressing. Opening the door for you to upscale your hairdressing services.


Join compassionate hairdressers who have gained so much

Everything you shared was so useful and interesting. I can't wait to be able to use what I have learned to help the clients and patients who might come my way." ≈ Katie has since become a member of the Cancer Hair Care volunteer team, supporting patients over the phone and at workshops. She has also boosted her own business with her caring cancer support expertise.

Katie - Professional Hairdresser

I have learnt so much and it is already having a positive impact on my practice with my patients in the clinic. I feel I can empathise more with their whole journey as opposed to just fitting them with a wig. I feel much more confident with answering questions. " ≈ Natasha has gone on to volunteer for charity, Cancer Hair Care, within NHS hospitals and upscale her wig fitting consultancy and hairdressing business.

Natasha - Professional Wig Supplier and Hairdresser


I agree to the terms and conditions of the pledge process  and agree to share this information with the Cancer Hair Care & Holistic Hair Care Expert Pledge Panel - Click here

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